Infinity Gauntlet Saga

Website which chronicles Marvel Comics "Infinity Gauntlet Event" that uses React front-end and "SuperHeroAPI" back-end for super hero search functionality.

Solez - Shopping Product Page

Shopping cart app using React front-end with local storage where users can add and remove products in cart to manipulate purchase costs.

RWRKS (React) Mockup

Modern and Functional React Mockup webpage for "RWRKS" AI software. Appealing gradients, sleek animations combined with CSS Bem Model. Responsive design for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile Devices.

Cinema Click

Web page that shows the top 20 movies in cinema currently. This page also allows the user to search their favorite movie using React front-end and "TMDb API" back-end for movie search functionality.

Sugarfish RE-design

Website redesign for famous local sushi eatery "Sugarfish - Flatiron" using React front-end.


Web based e-commerce app with full CRUD which uses React front-end and PostgreSQL relationary database.